Carpets have become an indispensable part of the house in some societies. In addition, in these regions, carpet weaving is an economically important production sector. This situation continues in some rural areas even today. Currently, it is possible to collect carpets in two groups as hand and machine carpet. As before, carpet is the most important raw material production. Wool production for carpets is still ongoing. This whole production is evaluated domestically. Traditionally, simple hand tools and yarn making have continued in some places, but in most cases they have been mechanized. In addition, the amount of yarn made from wool with small tools is very small.
Today, rug yarns required by the carpet industry are manufactured as fabricated. Here are some problems related to yarn can also originate here. Since there is no good standard yarn production, this is also reflected in the production of carpets. On the contrary, the companies that produce the yarn in a beautiful way ensure the quality of the carpet. Yarns produced in certain periods are reflected in the quality of carpet yarns. As known, the quality of carpet yarns negatively affects the quality of the woven carpets. For this reason, the quality of wool carpets has increased in recent years. In this context, carpet yarn production continues to certain standards. Sheep fleece in some regions has been recorded as the ideal carpet wool. It has been found in the applications that hand-made carpets are produced from certain regions.
Especially in hand-woven carpets, the effects of processing patterns on people, the messages they give are among the factors affecting the carpet. The motifs of the carpets, the connection of the colors, the environment, the emotional factors of life in this art comes to the fore. The process of transition from hand-woven carpets to machine carpets has occurred after certain requirements. One of them is the great development in the textile industry in the world. In addition, the demand for carpet increased day by day with the costly hand made carpets and carpets such as the machine has been passed. Nowadays, machine carpets have huge potential accumulations in domestic markets as well as domestic markets. In the past, in some cases, it has even been a necessity for the sector to turn itself out.