Icons and Symbols in Rugs
The icon or symbol has been used from prehistoric times to the present day as a common expression of humanity. One of these uses is weaving. Most of the icons and symbols in the field of weaving have been in the field of rugs and carpets according to both historical and current conditions.
In the process of development, the symbols considered together with many terms have various similarities as meaning, content and concept. For example, icons and symbols can be effective when separating local and regional rugs. Symbols, philosophers, artists and art historians from the past to the present have put forward various views on symbol and narrative style.
Within the scope of the series of symbols, language, religion, mythology and art all have various recipes in classical and contemporary philosophy. Even the symbols on the rugs make a lot of sense.
In general, symbols are presented as a multidimensional point of view by not pointing to a single meaning, concept and content. Rugs and carpets are a variety of meaningful symbols. Symbols for multiple purposes are available on single rugs. Symbols and icons, which are universal language and which are very meaningful, independent of time and space, have international usage.
Icons and symbols are often an important expression in different ways while revealing a meaning, concept, emotion, thought or object. The use of rugs and carpets is a mixture of emotion and thought with labor.
The desired content is brought to the foreground and integrated into formal aspects.
The formal expression of symbols is an important product of aesthetics. Icons and symbols that differ according to the culture, art and thinking of each period have gained an important place in rugs and carpets since the past. In this context, symbolization, especially in the field of art, is a method of following a path from general to abstract.
The universe is the first iconization and symbolization of basic elements such as creation myths, human, animal, nature, tree, air, fire and water. Rug and carpet weaving have a rich knowledge of the settlements dating back to prehistoric times and symbolic narratives. Efforts should be made to transfer this accumulation to the future.