History of carpets and rugs
It is difficult to reach a certain amount of information about when and where the rug, carpet or other weaving techniques first began. Although this situation is not exactly known, no doubt, the art of weaving started in Central Asia.
Simple weaving, although not qualified, began in Central Asia and spread over time to various regions. In addition, the population of the various regions has been instrumental in finding more use. As a result, the population growth continued with the search for more suitable areas to migrate to the western parts of Asia and live.
Severe winter, adverse weather conditions adversely affected the inhabitants. This has helped them to find a better solution. First, they wanted to protect them selves from the severe winters by setting up a tent. For this purpose, goat wool was preferred as an ideal protection method. First of all, there is a reason why goat wool is used. Because sheep wool is short and loose compared to goat hair.
After this stage, the first fabric is found. For the first time, nomadic tents have come to life in the plain weaving technique. Goat hairs also putin thetentandmadethetent waterproof.
After This Stage, the first fabric is found. For The First time, nomadic tents have come to life in the plain weaving technique. Goatwoolwasalso put outsidethewovenfabricandclosedtheholes in thetentandmadethetentwaterproof.
Thus, nomadic peoplealsoprotectedtheirtents from moisture on thesoil. In Addition, they have protected themselves with the fabric. Floorcoveringswerealsomadebyusingplainweavingtechnique. Most of the patterns of plainweavinghavesymbolizedmany beliefs in the past.
After a while, the art of weaving was developed and many items used in daily life, such as the saddlebag of horses camels used in transportation were made.
Afterthebook on the carpet exhibition in Vienna Published in 1891, serious research has been carried out on carpets.
Afterwards, in 1908, thegreatbook of Martin'sHistory of CarpetandfinallytheMunichexhibition in 1911 and research on the history of rugs and carpet attracted great attention.